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Changing face of global wine supply

Published:  11 May, 2021

The OIV’s recent annual report painted a picture of shifting global supply, with consumption falling to its lowest ebb since 2002 and vineyard surface area nudging back towards Europe as China’s plantings slow.


Global supply and brand building

Published:  27 September, 2017

With Europe poised to deliver a vintage shortfall, Andrew Catchpole talks to Rabobank strategist Stephen Rannekleiv about the positive effect for brand builders of a general tightening of global supply


‘Stable’ global wine inventories likely to tighten in 2017 against backdrop of worldwide value growth

Published:  26 July, 2017

Rabobank’s Q3 Wine Report has revealed that global wine inventories are in the main “balanced to slightly tight”, while bulk wine prices for most varietals are “stable or rising”, with 2017 hail and frost damage in European vineyards likely to further impact on these continuing trends when set against a coming shortfall in this year’s northern vintage.